Make the right choice, choosing Ceramic furnishings
Ceramic is any of the different kinds of hard materials, which is corrosion and heat resistant and can be put into a shape when firing a non-metallic material like clay at a very high temperature.
Normally when people talk about ceramic, it is about tiles or bathroom styling, however, the scenario has changed now in the case of ceramic in home furnishings and decor. Objects made of ceramic are part of Indian history for a very long time, a simple example is pottery. The artisans use it to make decorative items, bangles, etc. with the help of clay and hand-paint it to make it look attractive. But slowly people have started moving towards processed plastic or glass items. All the possible articles around you are made of this processed plastic, like plates, decoration pieces, gifts, and even artificial jewelry.
Now in recent times, people have again gone back to the old practice of using more earthly-made products like ceramic products instead of using cheap plastic products.
There are various types of objects that are made of ceramic and used by us in our daily lives like- ceramic plates, ceramic decorative items, planters, candles, wall hangings, and gift items.
Why should we migrate to ceramic-based décor and what are its benefits-
- Simpler to clean and maintain:
Ceramic is resistant to water stains unlike glass, all it needs is a good wipe with a wet cloth and it’s done. However one has to be careful with the hand-painted pieces, therefore it has to be dusted properly. And one has to be careful with the attachments made of other materials (wooden or metal handles).
Ceramic furnishings are very simple to maintain in comparison to glass, chinaware, and other plastic products available in the market.
- Healthy and hygienic option:
Ceramic is the safest form of décor one can use at home, as it is organic and free from all toxic substances or chemicals found in other decoration pieces. Because of the waterproof surface of ceramic, it is free from any kind of fungus, bacteria, or other allergy-causing germs. If someone is conscious of germs at home, this is the perfect alternative. Homes with young kids should always prefer ceramic decoration pieces, bowls, plates, etc. as it is the best way to keep children away from germs. Clay pots are a type of ceramic product, which is used to store water and the health benefits are countless. It is alkaline in nature, naturally boosts the metabolism, and acts as a cooling agent which is gentle to the throat, unlike the fridge water.
- Durability:
Ceramics are brittle in nature however it is still better in comparison to glass or chinaware. Ceramic can withstand a light fall and if it is kept with proper care it can even be passed on to the next generation as well.
Ceramic decoration pieces are a great product for extreme weather conditions, these products do not crack with change in weather and is a great weather-resistant product.
Ceramic decoration pieces are also compatible with the new technology in our lives, you can use ceramic plates, mugs, and bowls in the microwave as well and it will resist the heat waves.
- Green product (Eco friendly):
Ceramic itself is an eco-friendly product and free from any toxic or chemical substances. It is made with all-natural elements which can be recycled and reused at all times. More importantly, ceramic decor can be made of recycled materials as well which reduces the impact on the environment and is a sustainable option. Using ceramic-based items promotes the 3 R’s that is reduce, reuse and, recycle. This initiative will help in giving a better future to the next generation and reducing the use of virgin raw materials and natural gases in the manufacturing process. As per the current research, the preference is for using recycled material, reducing the fire temperature, and moving to an eco-friendly alternative.
- Resourceful and innovative:
Because of its durability, ceramic can be used anywhere, be it indoors or outdoors. It is an all-weather décor, all you need to do is be innovative with its placement and use.
Normally ceramic décor products are filled with vibrant yet elegant colors and brighten the location where it is placed.
The ceramic products innovation is not limited to only the decoration pieces. There is a wide range of products and designs available in Ceramic like- Planters, Bowls, Candle stands, vases, etc.
- Revival of culture:
Ceramic décor brings back the ancient culture of India, but the designs are not limited to only Indian culture. Western countries have also adapted ceramic décor with their cultural designs and symbols. Currently, Ceramic decor is made as per the new trends but still, the old handmade designs are popular among the people and their first choice.
This has also helped people to understand the culture outside India, with imports and export of designs from India and other countries, there is a cultural exchange between the countries.
How ceramic décor is promoting growth in small villages:
India is a land of mixed cultures and every culture has its own art. There are so many villages in India where the primary job is of an artisan, and to create innovative and colorful ceramic products with the motive of taking their culture worldwide.
With this eco-friendly choice of migrating to ceramic décor, we are not only making our homes a better place but helping the artisans to revive their culture and earn and good living for themselves.
Companies have also started tie-ups with these artisans and helping them in taking their vision to the next level and selling their products on the internet. These tie-ups have also helped the artisans in innovating new and better products with the exposure and infrastructural help from the corporates. This is one of the indirect ways of improving the economic condition by promoting these small but artistic artisans.
After understanding the benefits of using ceramic furnishings, it would be right to say that it’s a better and safe option. The current generation should take the necessary steps and migrate to this green option, making the world a better place to live for all.